Pick to Light Software
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Pick to Light Base Station
Pick to Light Software
Pick to Light Hardware

Pick to Light Software

What is the System Architecture of the Pick to Light Electronic Picking Label?

1. Pick to light electronic label service software (private deployment, supports local or cloud servers) + v1.2 base station + electronic picking label (large number of base stations use this solution, which can be used in the local area network or deployed in the cloud service)2. V1.4 base station (built-in electronic label service software) + v1.2 base station + electronic picking label (small number of base station labels, can only be used in the local area network)

Does the Pick to Light electronic label system software provide a docking interface?

Provide an http interface, generally a post method, and the data format is json. (RESTful API interface)

Does the Pick to Light software support local deployment?

Yes, it supports both local deployment and cloud server deployment.Compatible systems: Linux, Windows, MacOS.

What components make up the Pick to Light system?

The Pick to Light system consists of the following components:1. Pick to Light electronic tag service software2. Pick to Light electronic tag base station (Version V1.2 or 1.4)3. Pick to Light electronic tags

What is the communication method used by Pick to Light?

868MHZ wireless radio frequency communication is the communication method used by Pick to Light

Is the template for Pick to Light customizable?

Yes, the Pick to Light system supports customizable templates. Templates can be configured through the Pick to Light labels software after logging in. They support various elements such as text, QR codes, barcodes, images, and background images.

What functionalities do Pick to Light software offer?

1. Device Management: Manage electronic label devices, query related information about electronic labels and base stations, and check their status.2. Template Management: Create and manage templates.3. Interface Integration: Provide docking interfaces.4. Callback Address Setting: Set interface callback addresses for updating results, button presses, light indications, etc.

Does the Pick to Light system support integration with third-party software, such as ERP or WMS?

Yes, it does. There are two available integration options:1. The Pick to Light system can be integrated with customer software through custom interfaces or tailored functionalities to meet specific business requirements. However, this method involves a longer development cycle and may incur customization development fees.2. Customers can directly integrate their software with the existing interfaces of the Pick to Light system. This approach is straightforward, but it requires the customer to possess software development capabilities. We provide hardware and technical support in this integration process.