Put to Light Systems Self-contained Server Pick-to-Light Hardware Base Station SETP_Router_V1.4
Meet SETP_Router_V1.4, the server-inclusive base station revolutionizing pick to light solutions.
Model:Pick to light Base Station SETP_Router_V1.4
Meet SETP_Router_V1.4, the server-inclusive base station revolutionizing pick to light solutions.
Model:Pick to light Base Station SETP_Router_V1.4
Meet SETP_Router_V1.2, the base station revolutionizing pick to light solutions.
Model:Pick to light Base Station SETP_Router_V1.2
Pick by light solution, built-in server base station and e-ink picking labels, for warehouse, factory, logistics and so on.
Model:Pick to Light Demo Kit (External Power Supply)
Pick by light solution, built-in server base station and e-ink picking labels, for warehouse, factory, logistics and so on.
Model:Pick to Light Demo Kit
Pick by light solution, built-in server base station and 2.1 inch e-ink battery powered picking labels, for warehouse picking.
Model:Pick by Light Demo Kit with SETP_Label_V13(Battery Powered)